Vol. 8 No. 1 (2024)
Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations
University of Bialystok, Faculty of Law (Poland)
Mickiewicza 1 street, 15-213 Bialystok
E-mail: eejtr@uwb.edu.pl
e-ISSN: 2544-9737 (Online) | DOI: 10.15290/eejtr
The Journal has been granted financial support from:
- the Ministry of Education and Science within the „Development of scientific periodicals” program with the amount of 39.380,00 PLN (Agreement number RCN/SP/0481/2021/1 of January 30, 2023).
- the Ministry of Science and Higher Education within the „Support for scientific periodicals” program with the amount of 69.645,00 PLN (Agreement number 403/WCN/2019 of July 16, 2019).