Strategic Approaches to Trademark Management at Polish Universities


  • Magdalena Rutkowska-Sowa Department of Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, University of Białystok



trademark, university, bylaws, strategy


This study examines the role of registered trademarks in university branding, focusing on the Polish context. It explores the initial steps Polish universities take in trademark management, the regulations they adopt, and the challenges unique to this environment. The topic has not yet been the subject of a comprehensive evaluation within Polish academic doctrine. This research is based on a qualitative analysis of legal frameworks, institutional practices, and documented experiences of Polish universities in the area of trademark management. The potential of trademarks as tools for institutional branding, protection, and revenue generation is often underestimated or overlooked in the strategic planning of Polish higher education institutions. While Polish universities have developed resources to manage their trademarks effectively, including experienced administrative teams, access to legal expertise, and a growing awareness of intellectual property, this potential remains underutilized. Polish universities often rely on public funding or historical prestige, reducing the urgency to actively engage in trademark strategies. This reliance leads to minimal exploration of potential market opportunities, such as partnerships, licensing agreements, or branded merchandise. Without external pressures, Polish institutions seldom capitalize on the competitive advantages that effective trademark management could provide. To unlock the potential of trademark management, Polish universities must adapt to or create market needs by demonstrating their trademarks' value. Strategies include engaging external partners, strengthening alumni networks, and using branding to attract international stakeholders. Institutions like Jagiellonian University provide a model for standardized trademark management, aligning with global trends where universities are both academic and entrepreneurial hubs.


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Author Biography

  • Magdalena Rutkowska-Sowa, Department of Intellectual Property Law, Faculty of Law, University of Białystok

    Department of Intellectual Property Law,
    Faculty of Law, University of Białystok, Poland 
    ORCID 0000-0002-9457-0375


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How to Cite

Strategic Approaches to Trademark Management at Polish Universities. (2024). Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 8(1), 83-94.