About the Journal

Aims & Scope

The Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations (EEJTR) is published by the Faculty of Law, University of Białystok, Poland. 

The EEJTR is devoted to the study of the politics, societies, economies, education, laws and foreign relations of central and eastern European countries (including post-Soviet states) and western European countries. By extension, it also embraces North America and therewith provides a very real opportunity to broaden the conduit of academic transfer that spans the Atlantic.

The journal seeks submissions across a broad spectrum of topics. These include, but are not limited to: state-society relations, law, education, economics, elections, democratization, foreign policy, criminal justice and migration. Both theoretical and practical submissions are expected.

The journal is dedicated to publications from the social sciences, as well as other related or interdisciplinary fields, as long as they reflect the journal’s mission.

Although the Journal does not support a regular book review section, nevertheless it will occasionally publish reviews of important new works that become available.

The first two volumes of the EEJTR were founded by the Santander Universidades programme.

In 2019 - 2020 the Journal has been a benificiary of the „Support for scientific periodicals” program, generously supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education  (69.645,00 PLN, Agreement number 403/WCN/2019 of July 16, 2019).

The EEJTR is scored 70 points in the Ministerial List of Journals.
Index Copernicus Value (ICV) 2022: 97.93 (2021: 100, 2020: 100.00, 2018: 79.09, 2019: 95.05).

Language of publication: English

Frequency of publication: 2 issues per year

Versions: on-line 

Copyrigts & Open Access Policy

The EEJTR is an Open Access journal. As a result, the entire content of the journal is available free of charge to public users, including institutions. Users can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search the full text of any article, and publish links to it without obtaining permission from the publisher or Author.

The works published in this journal are subject to the following terms:

1. The Author declares that he or she has created the written work and holds exclusive and unlimited copyright /both moral and property rights/ and guarantees that no third parties have rights to the work.
2. In the view of the Copyright and Related Rights Act, a work must fulfill the following criterion:
a) be a manifestation of creative work,
b) have an individual character („author’s personal stamp”),
c) have a set form.
3. The Author declares that the text has not been previously published (under the same or different title, or as a part of another publication).
4. The Author allows (grants a non-exclusive license) the publishing house of University of Białystok to use the scholarly text to:
- preserve and multiply by means of any technique; save in a digital form with no limitations as to the manner and form of digital preservation;
- upload online with no limitations as to the place and time of access.
5. The Author grants consent for editorial changes made in the work.
6. The Author grants the University of Białystok rights free of charge for the duration of property copyright with no territory limits. The University has the right to grant sublicenses in the acquired rights.
7. Granting a non-exclusive license allows the Author to preserve their rights and allows other parties to make use of the work according to sublicensing agreement with provisions identical as those of Attribution 4.0 Internacional License (CC BY 4.0), available online at: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. License to all its content published from 2023 and CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 to all its content published from 2017 to 2022.
8. The Agreement has been concluded for an indefinite period of time.
9. Because of costs born in preparation of the work for publishing, the Parties oblige themselves to act in good faith and refrain from declining to grant licenses.
10. To all matters not settled herein, provisions of the Civil Code and Copyright and Related Rights Act of 1994, February 4 shall apply.
11. All disputes shall be resolved by a court of local jurisdiction for the place of seat of University of Białystok.


Charges, article processing charges (APCs)

The journal does not collect article processing charges nor article submission charges (APCs).


Publisher: University of Bialystok, Faculty of Law (Poland)


Archiving Policy

The journal’s publisher focuses on making content discoverable and accessible through indexing services. The EEJTR is indexed by the following services:

  • BazEkon
  • CEEOL – Central and Eastern European Online Library
  • Crossref
  • DOAJ
  • EZB – Elektronische Zeitschriftenbibliothek
  • ICI World of Journals
  • OCLC WorldCat®  
  • PBN – Polska Bibliografia Naukowa
  • POL-index
  • ROAD
  • RUB – Repozytorium Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku
  • Most Wiedzy


Advertisement Policy
The Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations welcomes advertisements on its site. The journal only displays advertisements that are of relevance to its scope and will be of interest to the readership (e.g. academic programs and services; conferences/events; scholarships/fellowships; journals/publications; institutional outreach etc.). The editor and publisher have the right to decline or withdraw adverts at any point. For more information about advertising with the journal, please contact the Editorial Office. Any direct marketing activities, including solicitation of manuscripts are conducted on behalf of the journal by the Publisher, the Editorial Office or members of the Editorial Team.