Submission Preparation Checklist
All submissions must meet the following requirements.
- The manuscript is written in English.
- The manuscript does not exceed 8 000 words (under no circumstances may it be longer than 10,000 words, inclusive of all notes and references).
- The manuscript consists of clearly distinguished elements: Forename, surname of the Author(s), Afiliation, ORCID (, E-mail address, Title of the text, Abstract, Keywords (3-8), JEL codes, Text, References.
- The abstract consists of clearly distinguished sections: Objective(s), Method(s) of Research, Result(s), Conclusion(s) - for scientific articles.
- The list of references is arranged alphabetically and only includes works cited in the article.
- The submission comprises files named: Author(s) Statement, FILE_1_Author(s)'s surname(s)_Year of submission (Word file), FILE_2_Author_Statement (scan in PDF file), FILE_3_ Author(s)'s surname(s)_Year of submission _Year of submission (Excel file) - optional.
- The Citations and References in the manuscript are presented in APA 7ed. style.
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c) have a set form.
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Privacy Statement
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The editorial section of the Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations processes the personal data of the authors and reviewers of the published texts for the purpose of carrying out and documenting the reviewing, editing, and publishing process.
Scope of the processing of personal data
The processed data includes: name(s) and surname; professional title, academic degree or title; affiliation; address of residence, correspondence address, e-mail address, telephone number, ORCID, and other data provided by authors or reviewers and processed at the request of a given data subject.
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The personal data required to carry out and document the course of the reviewing, editing, and publishing process may be processed for 10 years from the date of publishing of a given article in the Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations or from the end of the reviewing process in the case of texts not approved for publishing. In the case of texts withdrawn by their authors before they become reviewed – by the date the consent is withdrawn, but not longer than a year from the moment a given text is withdrawn.
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