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Author Guidelines

General Information on Manuscripts

The EEJTR welcomes original, high-quality contributions that have been neither published in nor submitted to any journal or refereed conference, subject to meeting the following criterion:

1. The journal is focused on the field of social sciences but works of an interdisciplinary nature are also welcomed.

2. The manuscript should be the scientific work of the Author(s) listed in the text and should be the result of their own research, considerations and reflections.

3. The following types of work may be published:

a) scientific articles,

b) reports resulting from academic/scientific activities,

c) book reviews published not earlier than two years prior to the submission of the manuscript,

d) comments, essays, varia.

4. The submitted manuscript requires to be written in English.

5. Typically the length of text should be within the range of 3,500-8,000 words. Under no circumstances may it be longer than 10,000 words, inclusive of all notes and references.

6. The manuscrpit should consists the abstract and the key words (3-8). The abstract should consists of clearly distinguished sections: Objective(s), Method(s) of Research, Result(s), Conclusion(s).

7. The submission contains the Author's title, ORCID (, e-mail address, afiliation.

8. The text should be accompanied by an ”Author Statement” which includes the following information: forename, surname, professional title/degree, affiliation and information on the contributions [Author Statement].

9. Authors should submit papers only in electronic form sent by e-mail, saved in Microsoft Word format (with the file extension: rtf, doc or docx) to Graphs, schematic diagrams and tables are provided in electronic form in a separate file, in shades of gray. The submission comprises files named: The submission comprises files named: FILE_1_Author(s)'s surname(s)_Year of submission (Word file), FILE_2_Author_Statement (scan in PDF file), FILE_3_ Author(s)'s surname(s)_Year of submission _Year of submission (Excel file).

10. The Editorial Board will review the submitted text and notify the Author(s) of initial acceptance based on the general requirements of the journal. The final decision on acceptance is made by the Editor-in Chief.

11. Evaluation of an initially accepted text will accord with the rules of the double-blind review process.

12. Notification of final acceptance, rejection or need for revision (based on the reviewers’ recommendations) will generally be given within 2 weeks of receipt of the manuscript, although exceptions to this time frame may occur.

13. The journal does not collect article processing charges nor article submission charges.

14. The average time to publish an article is about six months after submission.


Technical Instructions for Manuscripts

Page format: A4

Text font: Times New Roman, 12 point

Line spacing: 1.5

Page margins: 2.5 x 2.5

Manuscript Layout:

        1. Title of the text (in bold)
        2. Forename, surname of the Author(s)
        3. Afiliation
        4. E-mail
        5. ORCID
        6. Abstract (not exceeding 250 words)
        7. Key words (3-8)
        8. JEL codes
        9. Text (written in accordance with Citation and Referencing Rules)
        10. References


Citation and Referencing Rules

Citations and Referencing Rules should be presented in APA 7ed. style (American Psychological Association,

The list of references should be arranged alphabetically and includes only works cited in the article.


Before submitting this article, please read:


Ethical Guidelines

Submission Preparation Checklist

All submissions must meet the following requirements.

  • The manuscript is written in English.
  • The manuscript does not exceed 8 000 words (under no circumstances may it be longer than 10,000 words, inclusive of all notes and references).
  • The manuscript consists of clearly distinguished elements: Forename, surname of the Author(s), Afiliation, ORCID (, E-mail address, Title of the text, Abstract, Keywords (3-8), JEL codes, Text, References.
  • The abstract consists of clearly distinguished sections: Objective(s), Method(s) of Research, Result(s), Conclusion(s) - for scientific articles.
  • The list of references is arranged alphabetically and only includes works cited in the article.
  • The submission comprises files named: Author(s) Statement, FILE_1_Author(s)'s surname(s)_Year of submission (Word file), FILE_2_Author_Statement (scan in PDF file), FILE_3_ Author(s)'s surname(s)_Year of submission _Year of submission (Excel file) - optional.
  • The Citations and References in the manuscript are presented in APA 7ed. style.

Privacy Statement

Purpose of the processing of personal data

The editorial section of the Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations processes the personal data of the authors and reviewers of the published texts for the purpose of carrying out and documenting the reviewing, editing, and publishing process.

Scope of the processing of personal data

The processed data includes: name(s) and surname; professional title, academic degree or title; affiliation; address of residence, correspondence address, e-mail address, telephone number, ORCID, and other data provided by authors or reviewers and processed at the request of a given data subject.

Duration of the processing of personal data

The personal data required to carry out and document the course of the reviewing, editing, and publishing process may be processed for 10 years from the date of publishing of a given article in the Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations or from the end of the reviewing process in the case of texts not approved for publishing. In the case of texts withdrawn by their authors before they become reviewed – by the date the consent is withdrawn, but not longer than a year from the moment a given text is withdrawn.

Transferring and disclosing personal data

The personal data referred to in item 2 may be made available to members of the Editorial Team of the Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, to the publisher of Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, to entities keeping repositories and bases of academic texts (in the scope required to assess the quality of the reviewing, editing, and publishing process), and to state authorities upon a legitimate request.

Personal data protection subject rights

Those who have their personal data processed have the right to obtain information about the scope of the processed data, the right to access their data, the right to data portability, and the right to have their data rectified, erased, or have its processing restricted, to object to the processing of their data, and to lodge a complaint to the supervisory authority. The scope of the right to erase or restrict the processing of one’s personal data and of the right to object to the processing of one’s personal data is limited on account of the controller’s legitimate interest, because of the necessity to document information required for tax considerations or to document the reviewing, editing, and publishing process. The request to have one’s data processed no longer can be sent to:

Personal Data Controller

University of Bialystok, ul. Świerkowa 20B, 15-328 Białystok (Poland).

Personal Data Protection Officer


See more: Legal information about the processing of personal data at the University of Bialystok