On the Bialowieza Forest at the scientific conference “International Law – Theory and Practice” and the Congress of International Law Departments. Vilnius (Lithuania), May 9-12, 2018
Congress of International Law, Vilnius, Bialowieza ForestAbstract
Annual national meetings integrating scientists specializing in specific areas of science are a common practice in Polish academia. One such annual event is held on the subject of international law sensu lato (including therewith the fields of international organizations law, European Union law, and human rights). For a number of years, regular meetings of the members of international law departments have been organized successively by international law departments (often jointly with departments from related areas of law) of individual Polish universities, often in joint cooperation with departments from related areas of law. This event has certainly become part something of a tradition and it has a special place in the agendas of Polish scientists and practitioners interested in broadly understood international law.
Copyright (c) 2018 Wioleta Hryniewicka-Filipkowska, Anna Drabarz
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