Integration processes and trends in the world educational space: the case of CIS countries


  • Uladzislau Beizerau Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Belarus



integration, process of integration, educational system, degree, mobility, CIS, educational space


The article focuses on the processes taking place in the education systems of the Eastern Europe countries. The general overview of the changes in the global higher education systems is presented in the article. The world educational space today is in need of serious transformations. Much attention is paid to the description and analyses of the integration processes taking place in European higher education and education within those countries comprising the Commonwealth of Independent States. The Comparative approach and literature review are mainly used as the methodology in the article.


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Author Biography

  • Uladzislau Beizerau, Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, Belarus

    Uladzislau Beizerau - An Associate Professor, PhD, and a Dean of the Faculty of Psychology and Pedagogics, F. Scorina Gomel State University (Gomel, Belarus).


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How to Cite

Beizerau, U. (2018). Integration processes and trends in the world educational space: the case of CIS countries. Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 2(2), 49-60.