Labor's Role in Crafting a Sustainable Future


  • Charles Szymanski University of Białystok


Słowa kluczowe:

sustainable development, labor unions, unemployment, job training, collective bargaining


The concept of sustainability is everywhere. We feel it in the direct effects of climate change and the sense that something must be done to ensure a sustainable future, i.e., one in which the environment is not destroyed beyond repair and humanity can continue to develop. There is a perceived tension, however, between protecting the environment and economic development. On one hand, there will be no jobs on a scorched, desertified Earth. On the other, however, a future where only an elite few enjoy protected biospheres and the remainder are condemned to a lifetime of unemployment is equally unsustainable. This article contends that labor unions (and employees acting collectively) have a unique role in both crafting and ensuring a future where both the environment is protected and the economy develops and guarantees decent and sustainable work for most people.


Statystyki pobrań niedostępne.

Biogram autora

  • Charles Szymanski - University of Białystok

    University of Białystok, Poland
    ORCID 0000-0002-7767-0913


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