Tasks of state administration and local government in the management of illegally disposed waste in the Slovak Republic
https://doi.org/10.15290/eejtr.2022.06.02.03Słowa kluczowe:
waste management, state administration, local self-government, competencesAbstrakt
The paper deals with the legal requirements for the procedure of local self-government entities (municipalities, cities) and state administration bodies at the local level in case of detection of illegally placed waste. The article also outlines how the person responsible for illegal dumping is identified, what is done if such a person is not identified and how those who have placed waste in black dumps can be punished. The author also points out in this paper the application problems in the application of the legal procedure for dealing with illegally placed waste, the lack of definition of competences between the subjects of local self-government and state administration bodies, as well as proposes certain changes to the legal regulation, which would be possible to eliminate the alleged application problems.
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