Social security in flexible forms of employment on the example of Poland - selected problems
work, social security, flexible forms of employment, flexicurity, fixed-term contracts, digital platformsAbstract
The foundation of decent working conditions is the regulation of employment and social policy with safe and secure conditions of employment in terms of remuneration, safe employment conditions, protection in the event of dismissal, social dialogue, personal data protection, and work-life balance, and finally a healthy, safe and a well-adjusted work environment. At the same time, the task of a democratic state is to adjust the dynamically changing economic and market realities to ensure the maximum level of protection in the areas mentioned above relevant to each employee. This state of affairs is also due to the radically progressing digitization, which is changing the challenges of the modern labor market. In this article, the author wants to address the social security problem of selected flexible (atypical) forms of employment, including employee and non-employee forms of employment1. The author chose a fixed-term contract and employment on digital platforms as the subject of the analysis while being aware of the multifaceted nature of social security. In this paper, the author defends the thesis that the so-called and making employment relations are more flexible. Therefore, the legislator should subject these relations to a broader impact - social security regulations, where there are no normative obstacles to extending such influence.
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