The public interest perspective in the medical grounds


  • Anna Duma University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Faculty of Law and Administration



law, funds, medical, international, rights


The goals include the obtained results from the advisable sources, specifically as a sense of the carried-out analysis. So it is a conceivable objective that the legal national interest perspective should be explicit pursuant to the doctrine. The patient has a number of rights not cataloged numerus clausus. However, how has legislation changed in the face of the pandemic and European Union budgetary law? Did it have an impact on strengthening the law and increasing the focus on the patient? In such difficult times of a pandemic, it was necessary, therefore, to adapt more to technological and legal developments. The restrictions that resulted from the pandemic, however, were intended not to infringe on patients' acquired and absolute human rights. It is an important dogmatic and historical method in the sense that this is a work with a historical dimension because it is describing the most important events in the history of the globe for human rights and medical law, which are trying to combine. In conclusion, it is important to share knowledge in the field of medical law that is popularized in the field of documents considered medical, which has been discussed more in the text. It aims to indicate where an individual would assert the rights if not through the proliferation of specialized human rights courts. What is more significant, the representation of states is related to their international competencies, which may, in the future, ensure membership of other international organizations, in order to focus the role of a global coordinator of similar problems in the European sphere. It is the choice of countries to belong to international specialized organizations that make it easier to shape mechanisms for the protection of medical rights.


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Author Biography

  • Anna Duma, University of Maria Curie-Skłodowska, Faculty of Law and Administration


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How to Cite

Duma, A. (2023). The public interest perspective in the medical grounds. Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 7(1), 29-38.