Green innovations in Georgia and Poland: Comparative Analysis – Selected Issues
green innovations, eco-innovation, environment, environmental protection, sustainable developmentAbstract
This article analyses the concept of green innovations. This concept is based on the premise that economic activities should focus on the search for more efficient use of resources. Green innovations are a form of innovation aiming at reducing the negative impact of products and production processes on the environment. The aim of the article is to highlight some of the problematic areas in the way the legal systems of Poland and Georgia treat green innovations. In both analyzed countries, green innovations, are the part of the law that is still forming and its application lacks clarity and consistency. This paper also provides a comparison of the green innovations in Polish and Georgia which allows detection of similar or different solutions in the area of animal protection. The paper also shows the normative solutions in this area. The study of the outlined problems was mainly based on the comparative, dogmatic, and legal method. The article finishes with synthetic conclusions.
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