In Search of the Notion of "Posted Worker"

Some Clarifications from the Court of Justice Starting from the International Transport Sector


  • Costantino Cordella University of Naples Federico II



international transport, transnational posting, collective bargaining


The essay deals with the relationship between the European directives on the transnational posting and the European rules on the international transport of goods by road, examining the judgment of the Court of Justice of 1 December 2020, C-815/2018. The profiles related to the applicable collective bargaining, the inclusion of transport in the field of application of the European directives on posting are discussed and, in addition, the concrete elements to apply the protections of transnational posting to international road hauliers are highlighted


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How to Cite

Cordella, C. (2022). In Search of the Notion of "Posted Worker": Some Clarifications from the Court of Justice Starting from the International Transport Sector. Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 5(2), 49-57.