The Schumpeterian Approach to Technological Changes in Different Economic Systems


  • Robert Ciborowski University of Bialystok, Poland



innovation, technology, Schumpeter


Technology change is one of the aspects which should be analysed by various economic relations. The logic of regional systems concerns the integration of enterprises and regional institutions with their environments, which in turn provide them with necessary production factors such as: labour, entrepreneurship, material and non-material infrastructure, social culture, and institutions. The aim of this paper is to analyse the role of technology in the process of creating and using knowledge and its impact on the economic efficiency of the companies which function within their boundaries. The analysis is conducted using an Schumpeterian approach which gauges the influence of technology on the degree of knowledge utilisation and innovation levels in enterprises from regional economic systems.


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Author Biography

  • Robert Ciborowski, University of Bialystok, Poland

    Professor, University of Bialystok, Faculty of Economics and Management, Head of Political Economy Department.


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How to Cite

Ciborowski, R. (2019). The Schumpeterian Approach to Technological Changes in Different Economic Systems . Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 3(1), 95-104.