Current Problems Being Faced by the Consortia with Respect to Industrial Property in the Light of Empirical Research
Consortium, civil-law partnership agreement, industrial property rights, research, bankruptcy, licenses, universitiesAbstract
This article presents the outcomes of empirical research conducted by the author, which included the science consortia currently operating in Poland. This term should be understood as referring to multi-lateral agreements concluded between academic units (universities), and sometimes also involves private businesses (interested in investing in new technologies). Following the proliferation of science consortia, which was particularly pronounced in 2010, many of these entities are currently facing major difficulties in their daily operations. These have resulted, inter alia, from the expanding membership structure, which can give rise to conflicts between consortium members, or from financial and organizational difficulties which can lead to some consortium members’ being declaring bankruptcy. In addition, consortium agreements frequently fail to devise effective solutions to deal with such difficulties once they arise.
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