The Legal and Axiological Aspects of Preventing the Causes of Disability in the context of a ‘healthy environment’


  • Radosław Mędrzycki Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland



disability, solidarity, public law, axiology


The present article is an attempt to discuss the legal and axiological aspects of preventing the causes of disability in the context of a “healthy” environment. The legal discourse on disability naturally touches upon matters related to the models of disability and the rights of the disabled. Yet, legal studies seldom link disability with environmental causes and consider the legal aspects of the subject from that perspective. This article explores the fundamental axiological conditions for combating the environmental factors of disability. The considerations resulted in listing the constitutional conditions in the form of a ‘healthy environment’ and two vital principles: the principle of sustainable development and the principle of intergenerational solidarity. Furthermore, both principles are based on supranational regulations.


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Author Biography

  • Radosław Mędrzycki, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw, Poland

    PhD. at the Faculty of Law and Administration, Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw.


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How to Cite

The Legal and Axiological Aspects of Preventing the Causes of Disability in the context of a ‘healthy environment’. (2019). Eastern European Journal of Transnational Relations, 3(2), 29-42.